Watch this quick video to learn about joining Novel Navigator - a 1:1 coaching program that helps you finish the ENTIRE first draft of your novel within 4 months, WITHOUT all the overwhelm, self-doubt, and frustration!


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Novel Navigator 1:1 Coaching

This 4-month coaching program combines the accountability and personalized service of a coach with a writing course filled with the strategies and framework you need to write a story that works.

Say goodbye to overwhelm and self-doubt, and hello to clarity and confidence.

Most importantly, you'll be implementing what you learn during our four months together, to make sure you walk away with a completed first draft!

 The program includes:

  • (1) 30-minute discovery call to uncover exactly what's holding you back, set specific goals, and create a personalized writing plan and timeline to meet those goals.
  • (16) weekly 30-minute 1:1 calls on Zoom to assess your progress, go over any questions/issues that may arise, help you get unstuck or gain clarity, discuss your story, brainstorm/problem solve, etc. These sessions keep you accountable and make sure you never feel alone or confused in your writing journey!
  • On-demand video lessons to give you the exact blueprint needed to write your novel, as well as writing strategies, craft lessons, and mindset shifts to help you write a story readers will love. You'll have lifetime access to these videos, so you can come back to them as long as you need!
  • Templates and worksheets to help with plotting, outlining, developing characters, worldbuilding, and more!
  • A tracker to hold you accountable and keep you motivated while celebrating every milestone you hit!
  • BONUS - For being part of the new cohort of this coaching program, you will be able to submit your work every week for feedback! Whether it's an outline or full chapters, I'll work with you to identify what's working and what needs improvement every step of the way, so that you can get a working story completed without wasting time or feeling overwhelmed.
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I'm Udeshika - mom of three young kids, published author, and writing coach.

I set out to create The Dawdling Dreamer to help people who are where I was less than three years ago: dreaming of writing a novel but filled with overwhelm, self-doubt, and a lack of strategy and time.

It's my goal to share everything I have learned - from a book coaching certification program, workshops and courses led by renowned authors and experts, and my own successful self-publishing journey.

In less than three years, my novel has sold over 5,800 copies, has 2.1 million KENP (Kindle Unlimited pages) read, and even hit a category best seller rank on Amazon.

My dream of writing a novel came true when I decided to take action. And yours can too.

Novel Navigator 1:1 Coaching


4-month program

  • Write your entire first draft within 4 months
  • Weekly 1:1 coaching calls for 16 weeks
  • Weekly feedback on your submitted work
  • Personalized writing plan and blueprint to achieve your novel writing goals
  • Lifetime access to video lessons, workbooks & templates
  • Unlimited email support

From a story idea to a finished draft

During this incredible program, you will learn the exact framework to write a story that works, and will implement everything you learn to turn your story idea (or any content you already have) into a COMPLETE first draft.

Pay in full for $997 or sign up for a payment plan of $300/month for four months.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to email [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @dawdlingdreamer. 

Words from my coaching clients...

Sarah H.

"As a new writer, I was intimidated by the idea of writing a novel. However, Udeshika made the process feel manageable and so enjoyable. Her coaching gave me the confidence to tackle my story idea head-on and the motivation to keep going, even when I started to doubt myself. Thanks to her support and encouragement, I was able to write my first draft in four months — something I never dreamed was actually possible."

Emma T.

"Hiring Udeshika as my writing coach was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Not only did I learn valuable writing techniques and strategies that improved my writing and storytelling skills, but I also felt incredibly supported and encouraged every step of the way. Having someone to hold me accountable and cheer me on made all the difference. Thanks to Udeshika's expertise and guidance, I now have a complete first draft that I'm excited to revise and share with the world!"

Anya S.

"I cannot recommend Udeshika's book coaching enough! From day one, I felt like I had a partner in my writing journey and a clear roadmap for the first time. The feedback and guidance Udeshika provided were exactly what I needed to stay on track and motivated, and write a story that was better than I could have written alone. With her support, I was able to overcome writer's block and self-doubt and write my first draft with confidence. If you're serious about writing your novel, this program is a must!"

Ready to join? Have more questions? Let's chat!

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